Incomplete Grade
The incomplete grade is initiated with the course instructor. This grade indicates that due to unusual circumstances a small portion of a course has not been completed. In each instance when an incomplete grade is assigned, the instructor of the course shall also submit an incomplete grade form indicating what the student must do to complete the course. The form is turned in to the Office of the Registrar at the final grading period for the course. The student must then complete the requirements for the course by the end of his or her next fall or spring term of enrollment or the grade becomes an “F” on the student’s permanent grade record. A student wishing to submit makeup work to remove an incomplete grade must make arrangements with the instructor two weeks prior to the final grade due date. Faculty members are not obligated to accept and evaluate make-up work in order to submit a grade after the above time periods.
A baccalaureate degree will not be awarded with an incomplete grade remaining on the student record by the end of the term of graduation. Upon removal of the incomplete grade, the student will then be eligible to apply for graduation at the next graduation period.
Requests for extension of time must be petitioned to the Committee on Admissions and Advanced Standing. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and on the Northwest website at