2017-2018 Graduate Catalog

Refund Policy for Dropped Courses

Tuition Reduction

Trimester Course

4-Week Summer Course


Day 1-5

1st day


Day 6-10

2nd day


Day 11-15

3rd day


Day 16-20

4th day

Other time frame prorated.

Added courses will be charged full price.

General Information

  1. Refunds are based on FULL payment of all fees assessed.
  2. Payments made by financial aid, may be refunded back to the program if a student withdraws during the first 60% of a trimester.
  3. Refunds/reductions in charge are based on initial enrollment.
  4. Refunds are not made if under $1.00 (unless requested at the Bursar/Cashiering Office).
  5. Refunds for off-schedule classes are prorated in line with the published schedule based on number of class meetings.