Appeals Process for Academic Policies
All students will have the right to appeal in person regarding decisions rendered by either the Committee on Admissions and Advanced Standing or the Curriculum and Degree Requirements Committee. The purpose of the Academic Appeals Committee is not to provide a secondary hearing of a case already heard by the Admissions and Advanced Standing Committee or the Curriculum and Degree Requirements Committee, but rather to ensure that students have been able to present all information pertaining to their case and that proper protocols have been followed. For this reason, students should provide a basis for their appeal. This requires that appellants either submit new information (e.g. documentation from a doctor, counselor, or official) pertaining to their case, or evidence of error or bias on the part of the previous committee. The Academic Appeals Committee will not substitute its judgment for that of the other committee and overturn a previous decision unless such new information, error or bias provides a basis for doing so.
The student must initiate the appeals process by preparing a petition in consultation with his or her academic advisor, or in the absence of the academic advisor, another faculty member. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar or online at The student must submit the petition to the Registrar, who will then direct the petition to the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee.