2014-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

Transfer of Credits

Students transferring to Northwest from another regionally-accredited institution may be given transfer credit as their transcripts are evaluated by the Northwest Office of Admissions. Non-college parallel courses or technical credit can be transferred only for the Bachelor of Technology degree unless the Office of Admissions and the academic department concerned determine that the courses are academic in nature.

Continuing students at Northwest who wish to take courses at another institution as a visiting student should contact the Office of Admissions prior to enrolling to ensure the viability of transferring those courses into Northwest.

Transfer students have the option of meeting degree requirements as governed by the academic catalog in force at the time of the student’s initial enrollment in higher education (provided that the student has maintained continuous enrollment and has remained in the same major program) or by the academic catalog in force at the time of the student’s initial enrollment at Northwest.

Aside from possible waiver of General Education requirements as detailed below, transfer credit will be evaluated on the same criteria established for native students as set forth in the academic policies section of this catalog. Students may challenge the interpretation of such criteria made by the Office of Admissions by petitioning the Committee on Admissions and Advanced Standing.

Transfer credits do not always have equivalents at Northwest but may satisfy general education, institutional, or departmental requirements. The following 900-series course numbers are used to show if transfer courses meet general requirements, even though the courses are not directly equivalent, or transfer as electives only:


     900 ACT English Credit                                   911 Science         
     901 English 111        912 Math 
     902 English 112       915 Computer Competency 
     903 Speech Communication       916 Multiculturalism
     904 American Government (with MO)       918 Science Lab
     924 American Government (without MO)       920 Lower Division Elective 
     905 American History       922 Math Pre-requisite
     906 Social Science       950 American Sign Language
     907 Psychology       990 Upper Division Elective
     908 Literature        988 B.T. credit only
     909 Humanities/Philosophy       999 Elective, before summer 1990
     910 Fine Arts  


A student has the right to appeal a denial of credit made by the Office of Admissions to the academic department concerned. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the academic department, further appeal may be made to the Committee on Admissions and Advanced Standing.