2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Honor Roll and Graduation Honors

The honor roll is compiled at each official grading period and includes all full-time undergraduate students earning a grade point average of 3.50 or above in academic courses. Students who take an incomplete grade will not be considered for the honor roll for that term. Students who earn a 3.50-3.99 GPA will be named to the Academic Honor Roll. Students who earn a 4.00 GPA will be named to the President’s Honor Roll.

Graduation honors are determined by a student’s Northwest GPA, and if there are transfer credits, the cumulative GPA (all college work attempted) must also meet the GPA requirements. Graduating seniors who have grade point averages (Northwest and cumulative) between 3.50 and 3.74 inclusive for their work in their first academic degree will be graduated “Cum Laude.” Those who have GPAs between 3.75 and 3.94 inclusive will be graduated “Magna Cum Laude.” Those who have GPAs between 3.95 and 4.00 inclusive will be graduated “Summa Cum Laude.” Only first degrees are eligible for honors and class rank.

Honors designation for the commencement program will be determined on the GPAs based on grades recorded by the Registrar four weeks prior to the spring and fall commencement exercises and two weeks prior to summer exercises.