2024-25 Graduate Catalog

Educational Leadership, Ed.S.

Degree Policies and Requirements

The Specialist in Education program offers additional study beyond the master’s degree for persons preparing for positions in educational leadership. Three areas of specialization are offered: superintendency, secondary school principalship and elementary school principalship.


Upon initial registration the student will seek advisement and course approval as stated on the Degree Audit Form from the coordinator of advisement for the Specialist in Education program.

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements for the Specialist in Education program include the following:

  1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 30 approved graduate semester hours beyond the master’s degree (at least 11 of which must be at the 700 level) with a minimum grade point average of 3.25 overall and at Northwest.
  2. Two years of teaching/supervisory or administrative experience in elementary and/or secondary schools.

Transfer Credit

A student may transfer up to nine semester hours in no more than four courses from regionally-accredited institutions offering the specialist degree if the courses are appropriate, are approved by the candidate’s advisor, and are graded at a “B” or higher.

Time Limitations

All requirements submitted in fulfillment of the degree must be completed within a period of eight years.

Initial Enrollment

The initial enrollment is the first enrollment term in which a student seeking the Specialist in Education degree is registered.

During the initial enrollment, students seeking admission to the Specialist in Education program must:

  1. Meet all general requirements for admission to the Graduate School set forth by this catalog with the exception of undergraduate transcripts. These are not required.
  2. Supply evidence of a completed master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with a minimum grade point average of 3.25. Conditional enrollment is allowed if the student has a cumulative graduate GPA between 3.00 and 3.24. The student must achieve a 3.25 GPA in his or her first eight semester hours of graduate study or be subject to suspension for one year. Re-admission is possible after one year by petition to be approved by the Specialist in Education faculty, the Dean of the School of Education, and the Associate Provost of Graduate Studies.
  3. Submit an application for admission to the Specialist in Education program.
  4. Supply evidence of holding a valid teaching certificate.
  5. Meet all requirements at the time of admission.

Screening Committee

In cases of denial, a student may appeal to the Dean of the School of Education who will order a hearing before a faculty committee; denial of the appeal may be re-appealed to faculty of the Specialist in Education program.

Admission to the Specialist in Education Program

Admission to the program is granted when a student:

  1. Has completed all requirements as listed under “Initial Enrollment.”
  2. Has been approved by the program advisor and graduate dean for entry into the program.

Admission to Candidacy

Admission to candidacy is granted when a student:

  1. Has been admitted to the Specialist in Education program.
  2. Has completed at least 20 semester hours of graduate work in education courses focused upon leadership including:
    1. Elementary or Secondary School Administration, 2 semester hours
    2. School Supervision, 2 semester hours
    3. Elementary or Secondary School Curriculum, 2 semester hours

    If taken at the master’s level, none of these hours will count toward the 30 semester hour Ed.S. degree requirements. Other courses taken as a part of another graduate degree will not be counted toward the 30 semester hour requirement.

    1. Has GRE scores on file in the Graduate Office meeting the minimum admissions score, or if applicable, the DAE.
    2. Has earned a minimum of eight semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master’s degree at Northwest approved by the coordinator of advisement for the Specialist in Education degree with a grade point average of 3.25.
    3. Has an approved program of study filed on which admission to candidacy is indicated.

    Certification Requirements

    In addition to fulfilling the Specialist in Education degree requirements listed, students seeking Missouri certification must:

    1. Successfully complete the course EDCI 62641, Educating the Exceptional Child (if the requirement has not previously been met).
    2. Submit a signed, notarized morality statement if not previously certified in the State of Missouri.

    The student has the responsibility of applying for any new certification.

    Ed.S. Educational Leadership K-12

    CIP: 130401

    The Specialist in Education program offers additional study beyond the master’s degree for persons preparing for positions in educational leadership. Two areas of specialization are offered: Superintendency and Educational Leadership K-12.  

    Program Admission/Initial Enrollment Requirements Educational Specialist Elementary Principal:

    Initial enrollment is the first enrollment term in which a student seeking the Specialist in Education degree is registered.

    Students wishing to pursue a graduate degree in Professional Education in the program area of Educational Leadership must meet the admission requirements of the University and department as stated in this catalog.  See admission requirements under specific program descriptions.  

    The student has the responsibility to work with the department of education within their respective state to determine individual certification requirements. 

    The Ed.S. applicant must supply evidence of a completed master's degree from a regionally or nationally accredited institution of higher education with a minimum grade point average of 3.00/4.00.

    Documentation of one of the following:

    *3.75 or higher on the analytical writing measure of the GRE OR

    *Successful completion of the Departmental Entrance Exam (DAE) OR

    *Valid state teacher (classroom teacher) certificate OR

    *National Board Certification

    Transfer Credit

    A student may transfer up to 9 semester hours in no more than four courses from regionally-accredited institutions offering the specialist degree if the courses are appropriate, not used to complete a previous degree, approved by the candidate's advisor, and are graded at a "B" or higher. 

    Any courses previously taken to complete another degree cannot count towards the minimum 30 credit hour requirement. 

    Time Limitations

    All requirements submitted in fulfillment of the degree must be completed within a period of eight (8) years.  Any courses past the eight-year requirement must be retaken for program credit. 

    Written Assessment of Competency Mastery

    All students seeking an Educational Specialist K-12 are required to complete the Written Assessment of Competency Mastery.  The assessment will include reference to artifacts/course content, their relationship to PSEL/NELP standards, and reflection on personal growth as an educational leader.  This assessment will be given during 61-742 (Internship).  Students seeking Ed.S. Superintendent will be required to do a program comprehensive project relating to leadership standards. 

    Research Component

    The student will participate in a research component related to the use of data in the field of education. This data project will be completed during Writing and Interpreting Statistics (61-723).

    Required Courses

    EDUC 61642Multicultural Education for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


    EDUC 61730Foundations of Educational Administration


    EDUC 61731School Supervision


    EDUC 61732Curriculum Design


    EDUC 61786The Principalship


    EDUC 61623Relational School Leadership


    EDUC 61723Writing and Interpreting Educational Literature and Statistics


    EDUC 61774Advanced Middle School


    EDUC 61665School Law


    EDUC 61742K-12 Internship


    Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) - Generalist

    CIP: 130401

    The Educational Specialist - Generalist degree program offers an advanced program beyond the master’s degree for persons who want to advance their education in a non content-specific area.  This allows educators to gain more knowledge and best practices by obtaining the Ed.S.  Twelve hours will be required at the Ed.S. level and the remaining 18 hours can be chosen by the student from an approved list of electives to complete the program. The degree is a non-certification degree. 

    Program Admission/Initial Enrollment Requirements Educational Specialist Elementary Principal:

    Initial enrollment is the first enrollment term in which a student seeking the Specialist in Education degree is registered.

    Students wishing to pursue a graduate degree in Professional Education in the program area of Educational Leadership must meet the admission requirements of the University and department as stated in this catalog.  See admission requirements under specific program descriptions.  

    This degree does not provide the coursework for certification in administration or any other area. 

    The Ed.S. applicant must supply evidence of a completed master's degree from a regionally or nationally accredited institution of higher education with a minimum grade point average of 3.00/4.00.

    Documentation of one of the following:

    *3.75 or higher on the analytical writing measure of the GRE OR

    *Successful completion of the Departmental Entrance Exam (DAE) OR

    *Valid state teacher (classroom teacher) certificate OR

    *National Board Certification

    Transfer Credit

    A student may transfer up to 9 semester hours in no more than four courses from regionally-accredited institutions offering the specialist degree if the courses are appropriate, not used to complete a previous degree, approved by the candidate's advisor, and are graded at a "B" or higher. 

    Any courses previously taken to complete another degree cannot count towards the minimum 30 credit hour requirement. 

    Time Limitations

    All requirements submitted in fulfillment of the degree must be completed within a period of eight (8) years.  Any courses past the eight-year requirement must be retaken for program credit. 

    Written Assessment of Competency Mastery

    All students seeking an Educational Specialist K-12 are required to complete the Written Assessment of Competency Mastery.  The assessment will include references to artifacts/course content.  

    Research Component

    The student will participate in a research component related to the use of data in the field of education. This data project will be completed during Writing and Interpreting Statistics (61-723).



    Required and Elective Courses

    Total Credit Hours:30

    Required Courses

    EDUC 61713School Personnel Administration


    EDUC 61723Writing and Interpreting Educational Literature and Statistics


    EDUC 61740 The Superintendency


    EDUC 61770School Buildings and Equipment


    List of Electives

    Students may choose 18 hours (6 courses) of electives.  Any courses they have previously taken cannot be counted towards the minimum 30-hour degree requirement.  

    EDUC 61606Culture & Student Engagement


    EDUC 61642Multicultural Education for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


    EDUC 61691Change Management In Education


    EDUC 61653Trends and Issues in Curriculum and Instruction


    EDUC 61689Leading In The Digital Age


    EDUC 61627Innovative School Leadership


    EDUC 61623Relational School Leadership


    CSIS 44610Integrating the Technology Curriculum


    CSIS 44626Multimedia Systems


    CSIS 44635Instructional Systems Design


    CSIS 44650Building a Virtual Learning Environment


    EDCI 62621Leadership in Special Education


    EDUC 61687Feedback and Goal Setting


    EDUC 61665School Law


    EDUC 61731School Supervision


    EDUC 61774Advanced Middle School


    EDUC 61732Curriculum Design


    EDCI 62612Literacy in the Elementary School


    EDCI 62619Literacy in the Secondary School


    Specialist in Education Superintendent

    CIP: 130411

    Degree Policies and Requirements

    The Specialist in Education program offers additional study beyond the master’s degree for persons preparing for positions in educational leadership. Three areas of specialization are offered: superintendency, secondary school principalship and elementary school principalship.


    Upon initial registration the student will seek advisement and course approval as stated on the Degree Audit Form from the coordinator of advisement for the Specialist in Education program.

    Degree Requirements

    Degree requirements for the Specialist in Education program include the following:

    1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 32 approved graduate semester hours beyond the master’s degree (at least 11 of which must be at the 700 level) with a minimum grade point average of 3.25 overall and at Northwest.
    2. Two years of teaching/supervisory or administrative experience in elementary and/or secondary schools.

    Transfer Credit

    A student may transfer up to nine semester hours in no more than four courses from regionally-accredited institutions offering the specialist degree if the courses are appropriate, are approved by the candidate’s advisor, and are graded at a “B” or higher.

    Time Limitations

    All requirements submitted in fulfillment of the degree must be completed within a period of eight years.

    Initial Enrollment

    The initial enrollment is the first enrollment term in which a student seeking the Specialist in Education degree is registered.

    During the initial enrollment, students seeking admission to the Specialist in Education program must:

    1. Meet all general requirements for admission to the Graduate School set forth by this catalog with the exception of undergraduate transcripts. These are not required.
    2. Supply evidence of a completed master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with a minimum grade point average of 3.25. Conditional enrollment is allowed if the student has a cumulative graduate GPA between 3.00 and 3.24. The student must achieve a 3.25 GPA in his or her first eight semester hours of graduate study or be subject to suspension for one year. Re-admission is possible after one year by petition to be approved by the Specialist in Education faculty, the Dean of the School of Education, and the Associate Provost of Graduate Studies.
    3. Submit a GRE score with a combined minimum score for the verbal and quantitative sections of 285 and at least a 4.0 on the writing sample section of the GRE. A student who has completed two or more years of satisfactory teaching may substitute the Departmental Admissions Exam (DAE) in place of the GRE.
    4. Submit an application for admission to the Specialist in Education program.
    5. Have three letters of recommendation on file. One letter must refer to the student’s academic qualifications, one letter must refer to employment experience, and one may be a general character reference.
    6. Supply evidence of holding a valid teaching certificate.

    Screening Committee

    In cases of denial, a student may appeal to the Dean of the School of Education who will order a hearing before a faculty committee; denial of the appeal may be re-appealed to faculty of the Specialist in Education program.

    Admission to the Specialist in Education Program

    Admission to the program is granted when a student:

    1. Has completed all requirements as listed under “Initial Enrollment.”
    2. Has been approved by the program advisor and graduate dean for entry into the program.

    Admission to Candidacy

    Admission to candidacy is granted when a student:

    1. Has been admitted to the Specialist in Education program.
    2. Has completed at least 20 semester hours of graduate work in education courses focused upon leadership including:
      1. Elementary or Secondary School Administration, 2 semester hours
      2. School Supervision, 2 semester hours
      3. Elementary or Secondary School Curriculum, 2 semester hours

      If taken at the master’s level, none of these hours will count toward the 32 semester hour Ed.S. degree requirements. Other courses taken as a part of another graduate degree will not be counted toward the 32 semester hour requirement.

      1. Has GRE scores on file in the Graduate Office meeting the minimum admissions score, or if applicable, the DAE.
      2. Has earned a minimum of eight semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master’s degree at Northwest approved by the coordinator of advisement for the Specialist in Education degree with a grade point average of 3.25.
      3. Has an approved program of study filed on which admission to candidacy is indicated.

      Certification Requirements

      In addition to fulfilling the Specialist in Education degree requirements listed, students seeking Missouri certification must:

      1. Successfully complete the course EDCI 62641, Educating the Exceptional Child (if the requirement has not previously been met).
      2. Submit a signed, notarized morality statement if not previously certified in the State of Missouri.

      The student has the responsibility of applying for any new certification.

      Required courses:

      Total Credit Hours:30


      EDUC 61642Multicultural Education for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


      EDUC 61623Relational School Leadership


      EDUC 61740 The Superintendency


      EDUC 61723Writing and Interpreting Educational Literature and Statistics


      EDUC 61795Superintendency: Clinical Culmination


      EDUC 61665School Law


      EDUC 61770School Buildings and Equipment


      EDUC 61775School Finance


      EDUC 61713School Personnel Administration


      EDUC 61733Advanced Curriculum Design


      All majors seeking certification in Missouri must have completed EDCI 62641 Educating the Exceptional Child if the equivalent was not met in the undergraduate coursework or through ABCTE. Certification is determined by requirements in the various states. Completion of the program in Specialist in Education does not guarantee certification.