2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Withdrawal from the University:

All students who wish to terminate their enrollment at the University during a term should initially consult with their advisor. If, after meeting with the advisor, a student decides to withdraw from the University, the student must complete an Exit Report through the Student Success Center in Owens Library. It is extremely important that a withdrawal be completed to ensure that proper entries are made on the academic transcript, that fee refunds are processed (See “Fees and Costs” section.) and that all University records reflect the withdrawal. If a student cannot initiate the withdrawal process in person, he or she should write or call the Student Success Center, so they may process the withdrawal.

Students who wish to withdraw from the University must do so before 80% of any trimester or shorter-length term has expired. A “W” will be recorded for each class. Students on academic probation who withdraw from all classes will be readmitted on the same status they held at the time of their withdrawal from school. Students who do not follow the prescribed procedure to withdraw from the University will have recorded on their permanent record a grade of “F” for their courses.

If due to extraordinary reasons—beyond the control of the student—a student desires to withdraw from the University after the deadline, the student must petition the Committee on Academic Petitions. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar or online at www.nwmissouri.edu/registrar/PDF/GeneralPetition.pdf.

Students who are administratively withdrawn for non-payment of fees are prohibited from attending classes.